About Jon
I’ve been sensitive and intuitive from an early age, with my first experience of awakening at the age of 15. Although I didn’t understand what was happening at the time, I realised that who I really am is not restricted to my body. This realisation was to embark me on a journey, which included learning transcendental meditation from the age of 20 and gave me a depth of experience and understanding.
It also led me to a deeper comprehension of the link between mind and body, which culminated in me training as a chiropractor, specialising in using the lightest techniques available. I have been constantly surprised by the effectiveness of even the gentlest of touches, in bringing about changes in both mind and body.
This sensitivity continued to grow as I raised our family, and my intuitive guidance led us towards homeopathy, chiropractic and acupuncture, as the mainstay of our health and healing. With these tools our family grew in vitality and natural well being.
As a chiropractor, whilst working with many thousands of patients I discovered that the more stubborn physical issues frequently stemmed from underlying, unresolved emotional energy. Often issues that had been around for years would quickly resolve once the deeper causal elements had been addressed.
Around 2011 my work changed dramatically following a chance incident in which I was asked if I could help someone who lived 300 miles away. This first experiment of remote working was amazingly successful, and very quickly my role expanded into helping people of all ages, all over the globe, for a wide range of physical and emotional/mental health issues.
What was really surprising to me was the fact that the remote sessions were equally as effective as my in-person work, and these days I connect remotely with clients worldwide, so that location or time zones are no longer a significant factor.

A Little more about Jon Mason
Click on this video to get more details about how I developed this Frequency work.